Privacy Policy

We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our advertising and analytics partners. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Your privacy is very important to us. This Site is hosted by Veknod, Inc. or one of its affiliates on behalf of one of its real estate industry customers. Veknod, Inc. (“Company,” “Us,” “Our,” or “We“) respects Your privacy and is committed to protecting it through Our compliance with this Privacy Policy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand Our policies and practices regarding the Personal Information We collect from You, how We use it, how We share it, Your rights and choices, and how You can contact Us about Our privacy practices. To the extent that You are an End User or a Visitor, this Privacy Policy also outlines Your rights as a data subject, including the right to object to some uses of Your Personal Information by Us.

This Privacy Policy applies to Personal Information We collect about You from various sources, as further described in the “Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It” section below.


“Agent” means a real estate agent that has hired Us (a “Veknod, Inc. Agent”) or one of Our corporate affiliates (an “Affiliate Agent”) as a service provider to find people such as Yourself to whom that real estate agent can offer its services.

“Agent Services” means (a) general home selling and purchasing advice, (b) information on market conditions, (c) information on availability of homes in the area, and (d) other information and requested services related to the consumer real estate market. Agent Services do not include anything that is covered by an agreement through which a real estate agent agrees to represent a buyer or seller of real estate.

“B2B Party” means a customer, supplier, vendor, or business partner (any of which can be a sole proprietorship or a formal legal entity) with whom We have a business relationship and who directly or indirectly provides Us with B2B Representative and/or End User Personal Information in connection with those B2B Representatives’ or End Users’ use of Our Services or otherwise.

“B2B Representative” refers to individuals who work for or on behalf of a B2B Party, or in the event that the B2B Party is a sole proprietorship, the B2B Representative is the sole proprietor.

“End User” means individuals who do business with, or otherwise interact with, a B2B Party but who are not doing business with Us directly.

“Personal Information” means any information that identifies or relates to an individual or can be used in conjunction with other information to identify an individual, whether such information is explicitly regulated by applicable law or otherwise.

“Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Information, encompassing the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction or erasure of Personal Information. The terms “Process”, “Processes” and “Processed” will be construed accordingly.

“Service(s)” means the products and services that We offer.

“Visitor” means an individual that visits the Website or otherwise communicates with the Company and is not a B2B Representative or End User.

“Website” means any publicly accessible website hosted by or on behalf of the Company which is not part of a Service.

“You” and “Your” mean B2B Party, B2B Representative, End User, or Visitor, depending on the context as further explained in this Privacy Policy, and if there is no context which specifically identifies any of the foregoing, then “You” or “Your” means all of the foregoing collectively.

Scope, Generally (Controller vs. Processor)

Our Role as a Processor

Generally speaking and without regard to any particular definition under applicable law, We are a data processor (“Processor”) when We do not determine the purpose and means of Processing the Personal Data of B2B Representatives and End Users, and We only Process that Personal Information in accordance with the specific instructions of a B2B Party, as is the case when We Process Personal Information only as necessary to provide Our Services to a B2B Party. We receive instructions from B2B Parties through agreements We have with those B2B Parties, including any ancillary data privacy agreements or addenda (collectively a “B2B Agreement”). This Privacy Policy does not apply when We Process Personal Information as a Processor.

When You are a B2B Party and We act as a Processor with respect to the Personal Information that We receive from You or on Your behalf, You alone are responsible for providing appropriate privacy notices and disclosures to Your B2B Representatives and End Users with respect to Your Processing of their Personal Information. You cannot rely on this Privacy Policy as a means for satisfying Your privacy notice and disclosure obligations.

When You are a B2B Representative or an End User and We act as a Processor with respect to Your Personal Information, the B2B Party with whom You have a relationship is responsible for providing appropriate notices and disclosures to You about how they Process Your Personal Information and You must refer to that B2B Party’s privacy policy or other notices for information regarding their privacy practices, Your rights, and how You exercise those rights.

Our Role as a Controller

Generally speaking, and without regard to any particular definition under applicable law, We are a data controller (“Controller”) when (i) We determine the purpose and means of Processing the Personal Information of B2B Representatives and End Users, as is the case when a B2B Party permits Us to Process that Personal Information in ways that relate to Our Services but are not strictly necessary in order to perform those Services, or (ii) We Process Personal Information at the specific direction of an End User as communicated to Us by a B2B Party. This Privacy Policy only applies when We Process Personal Information as a Controller.

When You are a B2B Party and We act as a Controller with respect to the Personal Information that We receive from You or on Your behalf pursuant to a B2B Agreement, We are responsible for providing appropriate privacy notices and disclosures to Your B2B Representatives and End Users with respect to Our Processing of their Personal Information as a Controller. However, pursuant to the B2B Agreement, You agree to comply with all applicable laws, including those which may require You to provide notice to or gain consent from Your B2B Representatives and End Users prior to giving Us permission to Process that Personal Information as a Controller. Specifically, You and Your legal advisors should consider whether You need to list Us in Your privacy policy and notify Your End Users of Our privacy practices by linking to this Privacy Policy.

When You are a B2B Representative or an End User and We act as a Controller with respect to Your Personal Information, this Privacy Policy describes Our privacy practices, including the Personal Information We collect from You, how We use it, how We share it, Your rights and choices, and how You can contact Us about Our privacy practices. However, as mentioned in the “Our Role as a Processor” section above, You must refer to the privacy notices and disclosures of the B2B Party with whom You have a relationship for more information regarding that B2B Party’s privacy practices, including any notices or disclosures with respect to that B2B Party’s transfer of Your Personal Data to Us for Our Processing as a Controller.

When You are a Visitor, We are a Controller with respect to Your Personal Information. We Process Your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any other agreement We may have directly with You. This Privacy Policy describes Our privacy practices, including the Personal Information We collect from You, how We use it, how We share it, Your rights and choices, and how You can contact Us about Our privacy practices.


Information for Residents of All “US Privacy Law States” (as hereinafter defined)

If You are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia (each a “US Privacy Law State”), We Process Your Personal Information in accordance with the state privacy law that is applicable in Your US Privacy Law State, which is one of the following:

  • In California: the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (the “CCPA”);

  • In Colorado: the Colorado Privacy Act (the “CoPA”);

  • In Connecticut: the Connecticut Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring Act (the “CPDP”);

  • In Utah: the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, which goes into effect on December 31, 2023 (the “UCPA”); and

  • In Virginia: the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (the “VCDPA”).

If You are a resident of any one of the US Privacy Law States, then this “Information for Residents of All US Privacy Law States” section discloses Our privacy practices and Your rights as a resident of any one of those US Privacy Law States. The disclosures in this section are in addition to those disclosures set forth in (i) Part A of this Privacy Policy, and (ii) for California residents, the “Supplemental Information for California Residents” section of this Privacy Policy below. To the extent that anything in Part B of this Privacy Policy conflicts with anything in Part A of this Privacy Policy, the conflicting content in Part B shall take precedence.

Sale of Personal Information

We do not sell Your Personal Information.

A transfer, whether for consideration or otherwise, of Your Personal Information as an asset that is part of a bankruptcy, merger, or other similar transaction involving all or any portion of Our business is not a “sale” under the laws of US Privacy Law States.

Targeted Advertising / Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising

Generally speaking, “targeted advertising” and “cross-context behavioral advertising” are defined under the applicable laws of US Privacy Law States as the display of an advertisement to You based on Personal Information about You obtained or inferred over time from Your activities across nonaffiliate websites, applications, or online applications.

We do not share Your Personal Information with third parties for targeted advertising or cross-context behavioral advertising. Additionally, We do not Process Personal Information for Our own targeted advertising or cross-context behavioral advertising purposes.

Supplemental Information for California Residents

This “Supplemental Information for California Residents” section applies to natural persons who are California residents. If You are a consumer located in California, We Process Your Personal Information in accordance with the CCPA. The disclosures in this section are in addition to those in (i) Part A of this Privacy Policy and (ii) the “Information for Residents of All US Privacy Law States” section of Part B of this Privacy Policy. To the extent that anything in the preceding items (i) or (ii) conflicts with anything in this “Supplemental Information for California Residents” section, the conflicting content in this section shall take precedence.

Notice at Collection

Categories of Personal Information We Collect. The categories of Personal Information We may collect and have collected about You in the preceding 12 months, including any Sensitive Personal Information where applicable, along with the sources from which We collected that Personal Information, are identified in the “Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It” section of this Privacy Policy.

Business Purposes for Collection and Use of Personal Information. The business purposes for which We collect, use, and disclose Your Personal Information, along with the categories of third-parties to whom We disclose that Personal Information, are identified in the “How We Use and Disclose Your Personal Information” section of this Privacy Policy.

Commercial Purposes for Collection and Use of Personal Information (Sale and Sharing). We neither sell Your Personal Information nor share it with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising.

Retention Period of Personal Information. We retain Your Personal Information as set forth in the “Retention Period” section of this Privacy Policy.

Sensitive Personal Information

We do not Process Your “sensitive” Personal Information, as that term is defined by the CCPA.

California Shine the Light Law

You may ask Us to provide You with a list of the types of Personal Information that We have disclosed during the preceding year to third parties for their direct marketing purposes, and the identity of those third parties. If You are a California resident and would like such a list, please refer to the “Exercising Your Rights” section at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Notice of Financial Incentives

We do not offer any financial incentive in exchange for the collection of Your Personal Information.

Your CCPA Rights

As an individual residing in California, You have the rights identified in the “Your Rights as a Resident of a US Privacy Law State” section of this Privacy Policy with respect Our use and disclosure of Your Personal Information.

In addition to those rights, if the “Sensitive Personal Information” section above indicates that We Process Your Sensitive Personal Information for the purpose of inferring characteristics about You, You have the right to limit that particular use of Your Sensitive Personal Information as set forth in Section 1798.121 of the CCPA.

To exercise any of these rights, please refer to the “Exercising Your Rights” section at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Information for Nevada Residents

This “Information for Nevada Residents” section applies to residents of Nevada. If You are a resident of Nevada, We Process Your Personal Information in accordance with the “Nevada Privacy of Information Collected on the Internet from Consumers Act.” The disclosures in Part A of this Privacy Policy also apply to residents of Nevada, except in the event that anything in this section conflicts with the sections above, in which case this section shall take precedence. For the sake of clarity, the disclosures in the “Information for Residents of All US Privacy Law Statesdo not apply to residents of Nevada.

Nevada residents have the right to request that We do not sell certain Personal Information to select third parties for monetary consideration, even if their Personal Information is not currently being sold. To exercise this right, please refer to the “Exercising Your Rights” section at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Information for Canadian Residents

This “Information for Canadian Residents” section applies to residents of Canada. If You are a resident of Canada, We Process Your Personal Information in accordance with the “Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”),” along with any applicable provincial private sector privacy legislation that is substantially similar to PIPEDA. The disclosures in Part A of this Privacy Policy also apply to residents of Canada, except in the event that anything in this section conflicts with Part A of this Privacy Policy, in which case this section shall take precedence.

By engaging with the Website or taking other actions which indicate Your acceptance of Our Terms of Use, You consent to Our use and disclosure of Your Personal Information as indicated in this Privacy Policy. At any time You may “opt-out” or withdraw Your consent to allow Us to Process of Your Personal Information, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. However, please see the “Consequences of Not Providing Your Personal Information” section above for the possible implications of withdrawing Your consent.

If the disclosures provided in the “How We Use and Disclose Your Personal Information” indicate that We Process Your Personal Information for marketing purposes, You may opt-out of the Processing of Your Personal Information for this purpose. Additionally, to the extent that the “Targeted Advertising / Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising” section above indicates that We share or use Your Personal Information for either of those activities, You may opt-out of this Processing.

To exercise any opt-out rights you have under this “Information for Canadian Residents” Section, please refer to the “Exercising Your Rights” Section at the end of this Privacy Policy.

We have procedures in place to receive and respond to complaints or inquiries about Our handling of Personal Information, Our compliance with this Privacy Policy, and Our compliance with applicable privacy laws. To submit any such compliant or inquiry, please contact our Privacy Officer using the contact information provided in the “Contact Information” section below.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at Our discretion and at any time. When We make changes to this Privacy Policy, We will post the updated Privacy Policy on the Website and update the Privacy Policy’s effective date. The date the Privacy Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. If You would like Us to notify You of any changes to this Privacy Policy, You must ensure We have an up-to-date, active, and deliverable email address for You; otherwise, You are responsible for periodically visiting Our Website and this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.

Exercising Your Rights

The following methods are available to send Us a request to exercise Your rights defined in this Privacy Policy or that You are otherwise entitled to under applicable law:

  • Send an email with the subject line “Data Privacy Request” to:

  • Write Us at:

Veknod, Inc.
2967 Dundas St. W. #647

Toronto, ON M6P1Z2

Not all of Your rights can be exercised through each individual method. In some cases, You may need to utilize more than one method to exercise all of Your rights. If You have any doubt as to whether a particular method is effective with respect to a particular right, please contact Us using the email method specified above.

All requests must provide sufficient information for Us to be able to verify You are the person whose Personal Information We hold. Whenever possible, You must describe Your request in enough detail so that We can properly locate the Personal Information related to the request. We cannot respond Your request unless We can verify Your identity and locate Your Personal Information. You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney, an authorized agent to make requests on Your behalf by contacting Us using the same methods. We may still require You to directly verify Your identity and confirm that You provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request.